Scenario Based Self Defence Training

Monthly Membership

Monthly Membership

No Limits, No Tie-ins.. Maximum value with access to over 30 hours of Krav Maga lessons per month !


In addition to your club membership, you will also need to register with our governing body the FEKM-UK, which provides you with your training insurance, training record and registration with the European Federation.

It costs £40 a year and allows you to train with any club in the federation, but you need to get it before you start training. You’ll get a training pack with it – T-Shirt, Belt and Gumshield – to get you started and it also provides you with access to online training resources to support your learning.

For more information and to sign up go to https://fekm-uk.com.

Please note: All memberships are recurring until cancelled, however there are no minimum periods of membership.